buenas tardes
Estoy intnentando activar los id de amazon con el plugin y no me funciona, me sale el siguiente mensaje que pongo mas abajo,
¿alguien sabria que puede pasar?
Muchas gracias
** Country: Spain
Amazon Error: ErrCode = 1 | ErrMsg = [[ Amazon API v5:
http status code = 401
http msg = [401] Client error: POST https://webservices.amazon.es/paapi5/searchitems
resulted in a 401 Unauthorized
response: {«__type»:»com.amazon.paapi5#InvalidSignatureException»,»Errors»:[{«Code»:»InvalidSignature»,»Message»:»The request has (truncated…)
http x-amzn-RequestId = ebe91d8e-12c0-4bb1-be9d-5e90e82fa22e
errcode = InvalidSignature
errmsg = The request has not been correctly signed. If you are using an AWS SDK, requests are signed for you automatically; otherwise, go to https://webservices.amazon.es/paapi5/documentation/sending-request.html#signing. ]]
WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates was not able to connect to Amazon with the specified AWS Key Pair and Associate ID. Please triple-check your AWS Keys and Associate ID.